
In Irpen, the invaders raped and killed their mother and sister in front of a 17-year-old girl

April 22 2022 at 04:38 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Russian invaders brutally raped and killed a woman and her 15-year-old daughter in Irpin. The second daughter of the deceased was forced to watch it.

Now psychologists are working with the girl, the only one who managed to survive from the whole family. Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova spoke about another frightening crime of the Russians .

The Ukrainian Ombudsman noted that a 17-year-old resident of Irpen and her grandmother, who lives in another city, turned to the hotline of the Commissioner for confidential psychological assistance. They told about the next horrific crime of the Russians in Irpin and allowed to tell the story of a girl from whom Russia took away her entire family.

“In Irpen, three Russian invaders raped her mother and younger sister, 15 years old, in front of the girl’s eyes. They beat and raped her with particular cruelty. Both are dead. The girl lived in a state of psychological shock for four days with corpses in the house. After the liberation of the city, she was able to get to her grandmother. She said that while her relatives were being killed, they kept her and did not touch her, “because I am a freak.” They said, “live and tell others,” Denisova retells the terrible story of the victim of the Russian occupiers.

Psychologists are currently working with the girl.

According to the Ombudsman, since April 1, more than 400 affected Ukrainians have already applied to the psychological help hotline, which Ukraine created with the support of UNICEF. The vast majority of appeals are related to the brutal sexual violence of the occupiers against civilians in Ukrainian cities.

And the number of requests from people in need of help is constantly growing.