
In the Donetsk and Luhansk directions, Ukrainian defenders repulsed 9 enemy attacks in one day

June 03 2022 at 10:23 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

The Joint Forces Group continues to conduct a defense operation in a certain area of ​​responsibility in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas.

This was reported by the press service of the Allied Forces.

Along the entire line of defense, the enemy uses combat aircraft, multiple rocket launchers, large-caliber barrel artillery, tanks, mortars of various systems, launches missile and bomb strikes on civilian infrastructure, peaceful residential areas.

The occupiers fired on more than 20 settlements in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, destroyed and damaged 26 civilian objects, including 25 residential buildings and a power line. As a result of these shellings, 4 civilians were killed (including one child), and 3 others were injured.

Ukrainian defenders of the Allied Forces repulsed 9 enemy attacks today. The battle is still going on at one location.

Our brave warriors inflict losses on Russian invaders in manpower and equipment.

During the past 24hrs, the servicemen of the Allied Forces destroyed:
• 1 tank;
• 1 artillery system;
• 6 combat armored vehicles;
• 2 special armored vehicles;
• 3 units of automotive equipment.

Air defense units shot down a cruise missile in the sky of the Ukrainian Donbass, one tactical reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle "Eleron" and 2 unmanned aerial vehicles "Orlan-10".

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