
Lukashenko denied Putin several requests at once and is looking for contacts with the West through an intermediary - mass media

February 07 2023 at 02:11 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

The self-proclaimed leader of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has allegedly denied Russian dictator Vladimir Putin a number of his requests during a recent phone conversation. This even applies to several agreements between the two sides agreed upon earlier. Furthermore, the Belarusian politician is reportedly trying to establish contacts with the West.

Insider information about this was shared by an anonymous author of Telegram-channel "General SVR. He did not specify where he got the said information.

The report said the phone conversation did not bring the Russian head of state "anything but additional headaches."

"Lukashenko gently refused almost all of Putin's requests and, moreover, refused to fulfill many of his earlier promises," the anonymous source said.

According to him, the Belarusian dictator "confidently stated that in case of a decision on an attack by Russian troops on Ukraine from the territory of the Republic of Belarus, he would not prevent it, but he would not be able to help in any way.

Lukashenko also changed his mind about fulfilling the order of the Russians to sew uniforms for the Russian Armed Forces.

Putin allegedly invited his colleague to come to Russia for a meeting in the near future, but the Belarusian politician refused.

"And even to the usual threats from the Russian president "not to give money" Lukashenko reacted weakly, saying, "you will make it worse for yourself." In the end, as a result of the telephone conversations, it was decided to announce low-value events for later," the "SVR General" claims.
According to his data, Putin also learned that Lukashenko is actively communicating not only with the Chinese leadership, but also recently had a meeting with an intermediary who helps him establish contacts with the West.

Perhaps for May 9, 2023, the self-proclaimed president of RB is preparing an amnesty for hundreds of political prisoners, and this should be the first step to lifting a number of sanctions.

"The sanctions imposed on Russia, in turn, worry Putin the farther they go. During a recent video call with Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina, the president half-jokingly asked: "Well, when are we going to get our asses handed to us? Soon? Or are we going to suffer some more?" To which Nabiullina replied, "Vladimir Vladimirovich, I don't know about the asshole, but the f**k will come in September already," as an anonymous source recounted the conversation in the Kremlin.