
Robt dog Spot will come to Ukraine to demine territory - Foreign Policy

June 23 2022 at 12:48 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

The US Army will hand over a robot dog Spot for demining explosive devices in Ukraine.

This was reported by The Foreign Policy, citing its own sources.

According to an insider, the United States has already decided to allocate a robot dog Spot produced by Boston Dynamics, which is designed in particular to neutralize mortar shells and cluster munitions.

The robops will be handed over to the HALO Trust, which has contracts with the United States government to work in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

"Spot can help drag unexploded ordnance, in particular it can move cluster bombs into pits. This allows them to safely detonate them away from civilians in batches of 50 to 100 shells, "the article reads.

It is known that 10 HALO teams are currently stationed in Bucha and Brovary.

The publication notes that the robot dog Spot, subject to prior training, can automatically perform repetitive tasks without human assistance. In addition, it is able to work in the field between trees and in dense forests.

About HALO Trust

HALO Trust is a life support organization for hazardous areas that conducts humanitarian demining, eliminates the threat of explosive remnants of war: finds explosive objects, marks areas, draws up maps, clears explosive objects that did not explode in former combat zones, including combat zones.

About Robt dog Spot

The Spot was first introduced in 2016, although it went on sale about two years ago. The cost is just over $ 70,000. As part of the presentation, Boston Dynamics said it had no plans to work with the military. Therefore, HALO Trust will formally demine the territories.

The robope has a length of 110 cm. LED work status indicators are installed in the front, and a set of interfaces is installed in the back. Despite the fact that the robot has a rear and front, it can move at the same speed in both directions (5.76 km / h). And the Spot robot can dance.