
The Russians claim that their military unit in Perevalsk was fired upon by HIMARS

June 29 2022 at 10:42 am | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

The Russian occupiers showed the wreckage of the rocket, which, according to them, was found at the site of the attack on a military unit in the occupied part of Luhansk region.

This was reported by Radio Svoboda.

An illegal armed group called the LNR published photos of the wreckage of a rocket that allegedly hit a military unit in the temporarily occupied city of Perevalsk on Tuesday morning.

The so-called LNR authorities claim that the pictures show fragments of a missile fired from the M142 HIMARS highly mobile artillery missile system.

Wreckage from a rocket that allegedly fired on the occupiers' base in Perevalsk, June 2022

According to Radio Svoboda, independent experts believe that the published images do show fragments of an M31A1 missile with a unitary high-explosive fragmentation warhead used in HIMARS installations.

Wreckage from a rocket that allegedly fired on the occupiers' base in Perevalsk, June 2022

It is also noted that in the photos you can see the inscription "Made in USA", as well as the logo of AeroAntenna Technology, the components of which, apparently, are responsible for accurate aiming at GPS coordinates.

Remains of a rocket that allegedly fired on the occupiers' base in Perevalsk, June 2022
Parts of the components of the missile that allegedly fired at the base of the occupiers in Perevalsk, June 2022

In addition, one of the fragments has the number W31P4Q, which is mentioned in open sources in connection with the contract for the development of Lockheed Martin missile artillery system M270 MRLS (it uses similar ammunition as HIMARS).

As a result of the attack on Perevalsk, according to the Russian occupiers and as Radio Svoboda managed to confirm, a military unit located in front of the local mechanical repair plant was hit.

Earlier it was reported that explosions on the basis of the occupying troops of the Russian Federation were recorded in temporarily occupied Perevalsk.

The explosion at a Russian military facility became known on Tuesday, June 28, at about 10 am.

Eyewitnesses reported that the explosions took place at the location of Russian occupation forces in the Luhansk region.

There were reports of a large number of wounded by the occupying forces of Russia.