
Ukrainian tanks destroyed Russian artillery in the south (VIDEO)

August 26 2022 at 08:35 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Ukrainian forces defeated the artillery positions of the Russian occupying forces in the south.

Tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the enemy.

Tankers worked from closed firing positions.

A Russian artillery unit armed with 152-mm Msta-B trailed howitzers was hit.

Enemy artillery was neutralized by servicemen of the Kakhovka task force and released a video of their combat work at the front.

"Tank subunits of the Kakhovka operational group of troops delivered a fire strike from closed firing positions at enemy artillery mounts," the report says.

The military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that the Russian invaders suffered considerable losses in military equipment and artillery.

Note that it is traditional for tanks to fire direct or semi-direct fire at targets that the gunner of the combat vehicle observes through sighting devices. This is how enemy targets are usually hit at a maximum distance of 4-5 km from the tank.