
The 23rd of May in Ukrainian society marks the Day of Heroes

May 23 2022 at 12:10 pm | Kostiantyn Golubtsov

The idea of ​​a commemorative date originated in the nationally voluntary Russian at the hour of the Other Light War. Sweat the Day of Heroes was celebrated in the Ukrainian diaspora. In recognition of Ukrainian independence in 1991, the date began to change. And with the attack of Russia on Ukraine in 2014, the commemorative day became more significant, in the order of the historical positions of the fighters for independence in the XX century, modern heroes were born, as if on the battlefield they were defending Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Today, Ukraine, as a power and Ukrainians, as a suspіlstvo, reports zusil, so that we would give a shrine to the heroes, as if they laid down their lives for the will and conciliarity of the land in the current Russian-Ukrainian war, so that the memory of them would be alive. Mi zgaduєmo all by name, rozpovidaєmo іstorії їhnoy zhittya, nazyvaєmo on їhnyu the honor of the street and install commemorative signs. To that we know that we can continue to live with our state.

The names of that history of people, as if they heroically stood on the defense of the country against the full-scale Russian invasion, are yet known and fixed in the course of the bloody war. The moment of a good all-around move is still ahead, after the residual victory over the Russian aggressor.

We protested on January 23 for the period from February 24, 2022 to the fate of hundreds of Viysk sovereign cities for the aggressors. On the 22nd of May 147, the camp was awarded with the greatest state honor “Hero of Ukraine”, 75 of them posthumously.

At the warehouse of the operational command "Pivden" of the Heroes of Ukraine, 8 people are recruited this year, half of them posthumously.

One of them is Lieutenant VLADISLAV UKRAINETS.

The commander of the mechanized platoon of the armed motorized battalion, Vladislav Ukrainets, died on the first day of the full-scale invasion of the Russian army on the 24th fierce. In the Kherson region, for an hour I will break through on the Antonivsky bridge, a young lieutenant, at the price of a wet life, covered his brotherhood.

Vladislav Petrovich Ukrainian was born on December 5, 1999 near Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia region. Personnel military, graduated from the Kamyanets-Podilsky lyceum with advanced military-physical training of the Khmelnitsky region in 2016 and the National Academy of Land Military Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaydachny in 2020. After graduation, he served as the commander of a mechanized platoon at the 59th Army Motorized Brigade named after Yakov Gandzyuk. Taking the fate of the fighting actions at the gatherings of Ukraine.

For the first time before the invasion, at the beginning of 2021, Vladislav became friends. And for a few months, the stench of the retinue decided that they should check the child.

On March 2, 2022, Vladislav of Ukraine was awarded the title "Hero of Ukraine" for the Order of Gold (according to the Order of Gold) for his special masculinity and heroism, shown in defense of the sovereign sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the fidelity of the military oath.

The platoon commander at the cost of his own life restrained the breakthrough of the Russians, covering the departure of his comrades

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi awarded state awards to defenders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The relevant Decree №357 / 2022 is published on the website of the President.

According to the document, the awards were given "for personal courage and selfless actions shown in defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath."

To award the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky of the I degree

SAVCHYN Yuri Pavlovich (posthumously) - lieutenant colonel

To award the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky II degree

ZAYTSYA Sviatoslav Anatoliyovych - lieutenant colonel

To award the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky III degree

BUCHKOVSKY Konstantin Viktorovich - Chief Sergeant

VOLOSHCHUK Oleksandr Andriyovych - lieutenant

GORBUNOV Dmytro Ihorovych - captain

KARPYUK Artem Volodymyrovych - senior lieutenant

KULACHKA Andriy Yuriyovych - senior lieutenant

KURILYUK Serhiy Valeriyovych - senior lieutenant

LANDAR Roman Vladimirovich - lieutenant

MESCHERYAKOV Ruslan Valentinovich - Sergeant

FROST Artem Olegovich - senior lieutenant

NYCHYPORENKO Oleksiy Serhiyovych - senior lieutenant

PAVYTSKY Vitaliy Ivanovych - lieutenant

PONOMARENKA Danylo Viktorovych - lieutenant

PYATENKO Dmitry Alexandrovich - lieutenant

REVUTSKY Konstantin Alexandrovich - senior lieutenant

TARASYUK Taras Alexandrovich - lieutenant

UTKINA Ruslan Serhiyovych - senior lieutenant

HOKHOD Oleksiy Petrovich - senior lieutenant

TSIRKUN Oleksandr Oleksiiovych - lieutenant

SHEKHOV Ivan Vasyliovych - captain

SHASLIVTSEV Alexander Vasilyevich - lieutenant

To award the Order "For Courage" of the II degree

VASHCHUK Serhiy Oleksandrovych - Chief Sergeant

MOKHURENKO Hryhoriy Hryhorovych - Staff Sergeant

NEDASHKIVSKY Viktor Ivanovych - senior sergeant

CHURYLOV Artem Anatoliyovych - senior soldier

To award the Order "For Courage" of the III degree

ALSHEVSKY Maxim Sergeevich - soldier

ANTONYUK Oleksandr Yuriyovych (posthumously) - sergeant

BALDAK Robert Vladimirovich - senior sergeant

BARASHCHUK Vladyslav Ihorovych - senior soldier

BERNATSKY Peter Valerievich - a soldier

BERUS Alexander Mikhailovich - senior lieutenant

BIDENKO Serhiy Volodymyrovych - sergeant

POOR Ivan Alexandrovich (posthumously) - a senior soldier

BOLYUSHKA Vladislav Leonidovich - soldier

BONDARENKO Yevhen Oleksandrovych (posthumously) - a soldier

BUKHARTS Bohdan Anatoliyovych - soldier

VASYLEV Anton Alexandrovich - junior sergeant

VASILIEV Artem Anatoliyovych - soldier

VYROVY Vitaliy Serhiyovych - lieutenant

VLASOV Vitaliy Ihorovych (posthumously) - soldier

VLASYUK Anton Ivanovich - senior soldier

GELYUT Danilo Petrovich - the soldier

GERASIMENKO Bohdan Oleksandrovych - senior soldier

GERASYMENKO Eugene Viktorovich - Sergeant

GLADUN Anton Mykolayovych - senior soldier

GLUSHKA Pavel Stanislavovych (posthumously) - a senior soldier

GOLYACHENKO Ivan Mykolayovych - Sergeant

GONDERUK Daniil Oleksandrovych - soldier

GREBENYUK Oleg Olegovich - the soldier

GRITSENKO Vladislav Alexandrovich - junior sergeant

DEMCHUK Serhiy Vasyliovych - senior soldier

DZYUBYCH Vasyl Mykolayovych - senior soldier

DUDNYK Roman Oleksiyovych (posthumously) - a soldier

ZAMKOVY Yaroslav Ruslanovich - soldier

ZAKHAROV Serhiy Volodymyrovych - senior soldier

ILNITSKY Bohdan Stepanovych - soldier

KAMINSKY Dmytro Serhiiovych - senior soldier

KIRICHKOV Denis Nikolaevich - lieutenant

KLYMENKO Andriy Mykolayovych - master sergeant

KLOKUN Roman Vladimirovich - a soldier

KOVALENKO Denis Gennadievich (posthumously) - a senior soldier

KOZLOVTS Dmytro Petrovich - junior sergeant

KOSYAK Artem Viktorovich (posthumously) - a senior soldier

KUSHNIR Nazar Leonidovich - soldier

KUSHPIT Mykola Stepanovych - senior soldier

LAGUNOVSKY Nazar Yuriyovych - soldier

LINIYCHUK Andriy Andriyovych - junior sergeant

LUKYANOV Yuriy Oleksiyovych (posthumously) - soldier

MAKSYMCHUK Victor Yurievich - the soldier

MANZHOS Vyacheslav Valentinovich - senior soldier

MANNA Artur Emilovich - senior sergeant

MOTHER Artem Vitalievich (posthumously) - a soldier

MACHULSKY Alexander Konstantinovich - a senior soldier

Yevhen Anatoliyovych MENCHYNSKY, a senior soldier

MYKHAYLIN Denis Anatoliyovych (posthumously) - a soldier

Miroshnyk Andriy Romanovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

NAGORNY Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich - the soldier

OVERFLOW Alexander Anatolyevich - the soldier

OLEKSANDROVICH Alexander Pavlovich - Chief Sergeant

OLIYNYK Serhiy Serhiyovych (posthumously) - soldier

ONASENKO Alexander Vasilyevich (posthumously) - senior sergeant

OSTAPENKO Andriy Volodymyrovych - senior sergeant

PALIA Igor Yurievich - senior soldier

PISHCHALKA Serhiy Romanovych (posthumously) - lieutenant

POEMCHUK Serhiy Volodymyrovych - senior lieutenant

JURY Vitaly Ivanovich - junior sergeant

PUKHALSKY Roman Alexandrovich - Sergeant

PUCHIN Serhiy Volodymyrovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

RACHKIVSKY Andriy Oleksandrovych - senior soldier

REMENCHUK Peter Ivanovich - a soldier

ROMANOV Alexander Alexandrovich (posthumously) - the soldier

ROKHLIN Andriy Yuriyovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

RUDZINSKY Mykola Stanislavovych - soldier

RUDIK Vladimir Alexandrovich (posthumously) - a senior soldier

SAVCHUK Andrey Nikolaevich - the soldier

SEVEROV Anatoliy Anatoliyovych (posthumously) - junior sergeant

SIMAK Serhiy Viktorovych - Chief Sergeant

SKURATIVSKY Oleksandr Vasyliovych - Sergeant

SMAGOV Valeriy Anatoliyovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

SMIYAN Oleksandr Vasyliovych - soldier

SOLONIN Daniil Igorovich (posthumously) - a soldier

SOROKIN Serhiy Dmytrovych - senior soldier

STANKEVYCH Maxim Leonidovich - a soldier

STRATOVYCH Anton Anatoliyovych - soldier

TARANA Oleg Sergeevich - the soldier

TESLENKA Artem Vladimirovich (posthumously) - a soldier

TESLENKO Rostislav Feliksovich - junior sergeant

TKACHENKO Borys Yaroslavovych - junior sergeant

TKACHUK Bohdan Anatoliyovych - soldier

TKACHUK Victor Ivanovich - the soldier

ULYANCHENKO Mykola Ivanovych (posthumously) - junior sergeant

FALIA Yaroslav Mykolayovych (posthumously) - a soldier

KHALIKOV Opanas Georgievich (posthumously) - Chief Sergeant

CHEREVACH Dmitry Vasilyevich - senior soldier

CHYHRYNTS Vitaliy Mykolayovych - senior soldier

CHORBA Oleksiy Olehovych - soldier

CHORNYAK Yevhen Viktorovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

CHUDINOV Alexander Sergeevich - the soldier

SHAPOVALOV Serhiy Serhiyovych (posthumously) - senior soldier

YURCHUK Mykhailo Serhiiovych - senior sergeant

YANKOV Ruslan Mykolayovych (posthumously) - a soldier

To award the Order of Princess Olga of the III degree

BRAHINA Inna Oleksiivna - Colonel of the Medical Service

Award the medal "For Military Service of Ukraine"

ALEKSEICHUK Vadim Olegovich - the soldier

ALEKSEYEV Victor Nikolaevich - the senior soldier

ALOKHIN Dmytro Volodymyrovych - lieutenant of the medical service

ANDREISHINA Maria Petrovna - senior soldier

BEVZA Vitaliy Ihorovych - soldier

BILYKOVSKY Volodymyr Myroslavovych - senior soldier

BILOVUS Andriy Oleksiyovych - soldier

BILOGAN Mykhailo Yaroslavovych - senior sergeant

BONDARCHUK Yevhen Vasyliovych - soldier

BUZDIZHAN Vadim Alexandrovich - senior lieutenant

BULB Konstantin Alexandrovich - a soldier

VLASYUK Fedor Dmitrovich - senior lieutenant

GRITSENKO Alexander Alexandrovich - the soldier

DEMCHENKO Yuriy Volodymyrovych - senior soldier

DERIPAP Serhiy Serhiyovych, a senior soldier

ZHUCHENKO Yevhen Oleksandrovych - soldier

IVASHCHENKO Denis Oleksiyovych - lieutenant

KLOCHENKO Vasyl Vasyliovych - senior soldier

KNISH Maria Mykolayivna - Chief Sergeant

KOVALCHUK Vitaliy Yuriyovych - soldier

KOLODYNSKY Vladislav Serhiyovych - captain

KONONENKO Igor Mikhailovich - soldier

KING Leonid Leonidovich - a senior soldier

CORPES Oleg Stepanovich - the soldier

KOHNA Serhiy Anatoliyovych - soldier

SWAN Artur Nikolaevich - lieutenant

LUBENSKY Vasyl Mykolayovych - senior soldier

MARKEVICH Vladislav Alexandrovich - captain

MELNIK Maxim Vasilyevich - a soldier

NABOKOV Igor Dmitrovich - the soldier

NAZARTS Herman Vitaliyovych - senior soldier

OKHRYMCHUK Yuriy Anatoliyovych - Chief Sergeant

PETRENKO Vitaliy Vitaliyovych - senior soldier

POLYANSKY Yuri Vadymovych - soldier

PRUDNIK Denis Petrovich - a soldier

RYBETSKY Maxim Olegovich - senior soldier

SYNYSHYN Vitaliy Valentynovych - junior sergeant

SISCHUK Serhiy Yuriyovych - soldier

SOBCHUK Vitaly Valentinovich - junior sergeant

FORTY Boris Nikolaevich - a senior soldier

STOROZHEV Konstantin Viktorovich - junior sergeant

SUKHENKO Oleksandr Serhiiovych - soldier

UMANTSY Ruslan Volodymyrovych - senior lieutenant

FEDCHYK Serhiy Yuriyovych - soldier

SHEREMET Alexander Alexandrovich - Chief Sergeant

SHISHCHENKA Vasily Petrovich - the soldier

YURCHAK Yevhen Serhiiovych - senior lieutenant

YAKOVCHUK Sviatoslav Anatoliyovych - junior sergeant

Award the Defender of the Fatherland Medal

ANTONCHUK Yurii Volodymyrovych - soldier

Blashchuk Igor Petrovich - Ensign

HAYDARZHY Maksym Volodymyrovych - sailor

GANYCH Serhiy Ivanovych - junior sergeant

GERENT Serhiy Mykhailovych - soldier

GONDA ​​Ivan Ivanovich - senior soldier

DEYNEK Eugene Ilyich - a senior soldier

Yegorov Victor Alekseevich - the soldier

ZADOROZHNY Oleg Nikolaevich - the foreman

ZAPOTICHNY Ruslan Mikhailovich - junior sergeant

KEDEBTSYA Istvan Istvanovich - senior soldier

KOVALYA Oleksandra Anatoliyovych - soldier

KOZYRYADA Oleksandr Serhiiovych - senior soldier

KRAYNYANSKY Vasily Mikhailovich - soldier

KUCHIRKA Mykhailo Mykhailovych - junior sergeant

LOLU Mikhail Stepanovich - the soldier

HUNGARIAN Robert Fedorovich - the soldier

MAKHANSKY Ivan Ivanovich - soldier

MELENCHUK Maxim Ivanovich - a soldier

OSTAPYUK Andriy Valentynovych - Sergeant

PAVLOVSKY Ivan Mikhailovich - soldier

PETRISCHA Ruslan Bogdanovich - the soldier

RYHAN Mykhailo Vasyliovych - junior sergeant

RIPYCH Vasyl Vasyliovych - senior soldier

SALKA Andriy Zoltanovych - soldier

SURMAY Nikolay Ivanovich - the soldier

THIRD Alexander Sergeevich - a senior soldier

FEDOROVYCH Serhiy Kostiantynovych - soldier

CYSTAN Mikhail Mikhailovich - lieutenant

CHHETIANI Vadim - a senior soldier

YALCHA Mykola Yuriiovych - soldier

Award the medal "For Saved Lives"

ANDREISHIN Oleg Viktorovich - Sergeant

BAZALYTSKY Oleksandr Yuriiovych - senior lieutenant of the medical service

ZADUBYNNA Svitlana Vasylivna - junior sergeant

KUZMENKO Maryna Dmytrivna - junior sergeant

LISOKHMAROV Irina Alexandrovna - Sergeant

NOVAKIVSKA Inna Maryanivna - Sergeant

NOMEROVSKA Victoria Vasylivna - junior sergeant

Oleshchenko Maria Yuriyivna - soldier

OSTROVSKY Denis Vadymovych - Captain of the Medical Service

PROKHAN Oleksandr Anatoliyovych - lieutenant of the medical service

TISHCHENKO Andrey Sergeevich - the soldier

TRACHUK Roman Serhiyovych - senior lieutenant of the medical service

SHPAKEVYCH Alyona Viktorivna - junior sergeant.

President of Ukraine V. ZELENSKY

May 22, 2022