Analogies of wars: Soviet-Afghan vs. Russian-Ukrainian

Analogies of wars: Soviet-Afghan vs. Russian-Ukrainian
Analogies of wars: Soviet-Afghan vs. Russian-Ukrainian
© Photo:
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: February 15 2023 at 08:12 pm

Despite the remoteness in time, some military conflicts in which Russians were involved have striking analogies with the current war in Ukraine. ArmyInform continues a series of materials about how Russia has been waging wars throughout its history that have many common features. Russians are always trying to seize foreign territory, do not count their own losses, and loot, abuse civilians and try to avoid responsibility for war crimes.

The Puppet Regime in Afghanistan and the Yanukovych Regime

The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet armed forces was preceded by a coup d'état on April 27, 1978, which resulted in the establishment of a Marxist pro-Soviet puppet government that proclaimed the so-called Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Less than two weeks after taking power, the Dra government invited Soviet advisors - party, military, economic, and KGB officers - to the country. On June 30, 1978, the Council of Ministers of the USSR established a KGB representative office at the Dra security agencies, which actually ruled the country.

It is no longer a secret that in Ukraine during the time of Viktor Yanukovych there was a pro-Russian puppet regime whose task was to integrate our country into the structures of the so-called Eurasian Economic Union created by Putin, and possibly to include Ukraine in the new "Soviet Union" or the Russian Federation itself. At the very least, the Kremlin dictator's statements that "Ukraine is not a country at all" since 2008 indicate his long-standing intentions to eliminate Ukrainian statehood.

Soviet propaganda claimed that weapons and ammunition were supplied to opposition-minded Afghans by NATO member states

As often happens during the rule of puppet regimes, already in the first year of the Dra's existence, armed protests of the Islamic opposition, mutinies in the army, and internal party struggles began. Soviet propaganda claimed that weapons and ammunition were supplied to opposition-minded Afghans by NATO member states, the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf, Pakistan, Iran, and China. In April-September 1979, the leadership of the "dra" repeatedly appealed to the leadership of the USSR to send a large military contingent to Afghanistan to "assist in repelling external aggression."

After the victory of the Revolution of Dignity, the ousted Viktor Yanukovych on March 1, 2014, asked Putin to "use the armed forces of the Russian Federation to restore law, peace, order, stability and protection of the population of Ukraine." Yanukovych accused the European Union of allegedly "destabilizing the situation." This appeal came after Russian troops began the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea without insignia.

Attempts to remove the current government

In September 1979, the first leader of the Afghan "revolutionaries" was shot dead on the orders of the next one, who was shot dead in his palace on December 27 of the same year by the KGB special forces that invaded the country. Along with the "General Secretary of the Central Committee of the NDPA," all members of his family, including women and children, as well as all government officials present in the palace at the time, were killed by the Russians.

The first leader of the Afghan "revolutionaries" was shot dead in September 1979

On the first day of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russians attempted to land and infiltrate the government quarter to remove the current Ukrainian government. Having launched a large-scale war against Ukraine, Putin justified it by the need to "denazify" the Kyiv "fascist regime" and "Nazi formations" that allegedly committed "genocide" in the so-called ldnR. Russian soldiers in the occupied territories went door-to-door looking for Ukrainian officials, volunteers, civil society activists and military personnel, using pre-drawn up lists.

Having launched a large-scale war against Ukraine, Putin justified it by the need to "denazify" the Kyiv "fascist regime"

It is obvious that the so-called denazification is a massacre of civilians by the Russian army, a de facto genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Hatred of the Russian occupiers, refugees, looting, razing of cities...

The Russian occupiers were hated by the whole country because they committed massacres of Afghan civilians. Up to five million people became refugees. Soviet aircraft and artillery destroyed towns and villages along with their inhabitants, and executions and torture took place at every turn. Russians robbed local residents everywhere, taking their money and jewelry. On June 15, 1986, the large city of Talukan, the capital of Takhar province in northern Afghanistan, was razed to the ground in one day of light, along with all living things there, both human and animal.

the Russian invaders were hated by the whole country, because they committed mass murders of Afghan civilians

The entire Ukraine hated the Russian occupiers. More than eight million Ukrainians became refugees. Shortly after the invasion, the Russians committed mass atrocities in Kyiv, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. Torture chambers and mass graves with traces of torture were discovered after the liberation in Kharkiv and Kherson regions. Russians are robbing civilians everywhere in the occupied territories, taking their money, jewelry, and household appliances. They are literally razing towns and villages in Donetsk and Luhansk regions to the ground.

After the invasion, Russians committed mass atrocities in Kyiv, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. Torture chambers and mass graves with traces of torture were discovered after the liberation of Kharkiv and Kherson regions

Until recently, the cozy Ukrainian city of Mariupol has turned into a ghost town. The exact number of civilians who died there has not yet been established...

Economic collapse: the first sanctions against the Soviet Union

When Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the price of oil was at its peak at $101 per barrel; seven years after the invasion, it fell to $30. The Western countries also imposed sanctions against the Soviet Union for the first time, banning the sale of grain and equipment. The economy of the USSR began to collapse.

More than 40 countries have now joined sanctions against Russia

More than 40 countries have now joined the sanctions against Russia. And even those countries that have not officially joined the coalition are often reluctant to violate the restrictions, fearing secondary sanctions or problems in relations with civilized states. russia is the undisputed leader in terms of the number of sanctions imposed on it. During the first 10 days of the large-scale war, it overtook Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela, which have been on the sanctions lists for decades. During the 10 months of the large-scale war, natural gas exports from Russia to European countries fell more than four times - from almost 42% to 8.5%. And this year, according to analysts, Russia's oil and gas revenues will fall by half and GDP will drop by 8%.

During the 10 months of the large-scale war, natural gas exports from Russia to European countries fell more than four times - from almost 42% to 8.5%. And this year, according to analysts, oil and gas revenues in Russia will fall by half and GDP will drop by 8%.

US assistance with weapons

During the war in Afghanistan, the United States began to help Afghan insurgents, including with modern weapons. It was American Stingers that enabled the mujahideen to shoot down Soviet airplanes and helicopters. The war demanded more and more spending and more troops from the aggressor. The so-called limited international contingent was growing. According to official Soviet data, more than 600,000 Soviet soldiers passed through Afghanistan, 15,000 of them were killed and more than 50,000 were wounded.

American "Stingers" enabled the mujahideen to shoot down Soviet airplanes and helicopters

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, international partners have provided more than 113 billion euros to our country. This amount includes military, financial and humanitarian aid from foreign governments. International support helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine to effectively resist the aggressor and liberate our territories step by step.

The statistics of Russian army losses for almost a year of war in Ukraine has already surpassed almost all the indicators of Soviet army losses for a decade in "Afghanistan". In some positions - several times.

Dissatisfaction with the war forced Moscow to retreat

Despite all the efforts of the Kremlin's propaganda, dissatisfaction with the war was growing in the Soviet Union. People did not understand why their relatives were dying or being maimed and how much longer it could last. Dissatisfaction, and then open demands to end the war, eventually forced Moscow to retreat. But in the USSR itself, in particular because of this bloody massacre, irreversible processes had already begun, which led to its collapse a year and a half after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Because of this bloody massacre, irreversible processes have already begun, which led to its collapse a year and a half after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan

It is becoming increasingly difficult for modern Kremlin propaganda to justify the need to continue the so-called special military operation in Ukraine. They are no longer at war with the mythical "Banderites," but with the entire NATO and even with the "devil"(!). And although the level of Russian society's obsession is still significantly high, processes are already beginning in Russia itself that could lead to its collapse.

We believe that a powerful counteroffensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine will soon force Moscow to retreat from all the occupied territories of our country. And Ukraine will become the winner in this war and consolidate its success on the territory of the aggressor state.

Yevhen Buket

ArmyInform correspondent

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