Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the places of deployment of Russian equipment in the south

Aviation of the Armed Forces
Aviation of the Armed Forces

Ukrainian aviation launched new strikes against the Russian invaders in the southern direction: the strongholds and areas where the occupiers' equipment was concentrated were hit.

This was reported on the Facebook page of the Operational Command "South".

According to Colonel Vladislav Nazarov, the aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine worked on the positions of the Russians near the settlements of Novopetrovka and Maksimovka.

“Our aircraft hit 2 strongholds and 2 areas of concentration of weapons and equipment of enemies in the areas of Novopetrovka and Maksimovka,” Nazarov said.

In addition, over the past 24 hours, rocket and artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 units of armored and automotive equipment of infidels and liquidated more than 20 fighters of the Russian Army. Also in the village of Sukhoi Stavok, Kherson region, an enemy ammunition supply point was destroyed.

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