British Lord offered to include Russian government structures to the list of terrorist organizations

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: March 18 2022 at 06:06 pm

Guildhall received a comment on the recognition of Russia as a terrorist state from Lord Alex Carlile of Berriew CBE QC, who previously served as an Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation for the UK.

Based on photographs and other evidence of Russian crimes in Ukraine, Russian government structures such as the Armed Forces, Naval Forces, Aerospace Forces and ‘United Russia’, the ruling political party, should be listed as terrorist organizations in the UK and the US.

‘Demonstrably from all the photographic and other evidence, Russia is a terrorist State every bit as terrorist as major non-State terrorist actors such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS. In my view, separate parts of the Russian State, e.g. the Army, the Russian Navy, Russian Air Forces, and Putin’s political Party, should be designated separately as terrorist actors, including on banning lists held by countries such as the UK and USA. Such designation would mean that every supplier of material would be regarded and prosecutable as complicit in terrorism,’ – Lord stated.

‘Such designations should be proceeded with quickly. It would be a confirmation, strongly supported by most elected politicians and the public, of Putin’s and Russia’s pariah status,’ – he added.

Lord Alex Carlile of Berriew CBE QC
Lord Alex Carlile of Berriew CBE QC

On March 16, volunteer Natalya Voronkova reported that in Mariupol, Russian invaders captured the Ukrainian volunteer paramedic Yulia Paevskaya, with the call sign "Taira" and the driver with whom she worked, Sergei.

Also, according to Ukrainian media reports, Russian invaders have taken 400 civilians hostage in the Mariupol hospital and are firing behind them.

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