In Ukraine, the commander of an elite brigade subordinate to the Russian GUR was liquidated. Colonel's photo

Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov
Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov
© Photo: InformNapalm
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: February 05 2023 at 09:07 pm

Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov found his death in the war against Ukraine. The 14th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces (c/o 74854), which he commanded, has been involved in a criminal "special military operation" since its first days.

The occupant was liquidated on February 2, 2023. At least one other Russian serviceman, Ivan Sergeevich Marykov, was "assassinated" along with him. Necro Mancer found the relevant data in Russian social networks and shared the information on Twitter.

"At least one other serviceman died with him. That is, probably, ours got somewhere very well," suggested OSINT analyst InformNapalm Anton Pavlushko.

It should be noted that the 14th OBSDP from Khabarovsk is considered very elite in the Russian army. The service is subordinated to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation. Soldiers of the said brigade had minimal losses in all wars except the war with Ukraine.

In May, the occupiers under Polyakov's command were in and around Izyum in the Kharkov region. There they lost Lieutenant Colonel Albert Karimov.

Sometime in October they suffered losses in Kharkiv region, and in October-November - near Pavlovka in Donetschina, Pavlushko noted.

Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov
Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov

Units of the 14th OBRSN also probably participated in the Russian Federation's war crimes in the Kiev region at the beginning of the big war.

The liquidated Sergei Polyakov had commanded a separate special forces brigade since 2020. He graduated from the Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School (Blagoveshchensk, Russia's Amur Region) in 1996.

Necro Mancer suggested that the Russian colonel was probably killed somewhere near Donetsk during a nighttime "bavovna." The data has not been confirmed.

Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov
Russian Colonel Sergei Polyakov

As MyUkraineis wrote:

- In mid-January, Ukrainian soldiers liquidated the Russian bandit Roman Kibirev, the leader of an organized criminal gang, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the aggressor country. He had been recruited by mercenaries from the Wagner PMC.

- On January 4, Victor Schastny, a volunteer occupant, was liquidated. He had travelled over a thousand kilometers from near Kaliningrad to fight against the Ukrainian armed forces.

- The death of Wagner mercenary Alexander Knaub from the Volgograd region of the Russian Federation was also confirmed. This 24-year-old occupant left the business to kill Ukrainians.

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