"No chance." The DSHV strike drone effectively destroyed the Russian BTR-82 (VIDEO)

Russian BTR-82
Russian BTR-82
© Photo: video screenshot
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 28 2022 at 10:38 am
Source: shotam.info

Soldiers of a separate reconnaissance unit of the Airborne Assault Forces destroyed a Russian BTR-82 along with its crew with the help of an attack drone.

This was reported in the Telegram channel of the Command of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the military, in addition to the armored personnel carrier, the combat drone of the scouts also worked on the vehicles of the occupiers, destroying the installed mortar and the calculation of the invaders.

"Soldiers of a separate reconnaissance unit of the Airborne Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to successfully destroy the Russian invaders and their equipment, where the enemy does not expect them. In particular, an BTR-82 with a crew and a car with a mortar and a calculation of the occupiers who "went after" the Russian warship were destroyed," the message says.

t should be noted that the BTR-82 is the result of a deep modernization of the BTR-80 and BTR-80A armored personnel carriers. Instead of a machine gun tower, the new machine received a combat module with a 2A72 automatic cannon of 30 mm caliber paired with a 7.62 mm PCTM machine gun. In addition, the armored personnel carrier is equipped with electric drives for vertical and horizontal guidance, as well as a digital two-plane stabilizer.

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