oldiers of Kulchytsky's battalion destroyed the occupiers' position with the help of UAVs (VIDEO)

Photo: screenshot from the video
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 11 2022 at 09:03 pm
Source: myukraineis.org

The video was published on the battalion's Facebook page. "The message has been delivered!" Our defenders signed the video.

About the Kulchytsky's Battalion

The General Kulchytsky Battalion was formed of Maidan Self-Defense Volunteers, the First and Second Reserve Battalions of the National Guard of Ukraine. It was named in honor of Kulchytsky Serhiy Petrovich - Hero of Ukraine, Major General of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We will remind, fighters of the Kulchytsky Battalion jewelry blew up the enemy truck.

As we reported earlier, the soldiers of the 40th separate artillery brigade named after Grand Duke Vytautas enchantingly destroyed enemy equipment.

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