Russia resumes Iskander launches from Belarus and uses Tu-22M3 bombers - Air Force Command

TU-22M3 bomber of the Russian Air Force
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 26 2022 at 12:14 am

Russia is resuming missile launches from Belarus and, for the first time, using Tu-22M3 long-range supersonic bombers from the airspace of this neighboring country.

This was reported by the Command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces.

On the night of June 25, Russian troops launched a massive missile strike on the territory of Ukraine.

According to the Air Force, a total of more than fifty missiles of various types were released: air, sea and ground.

Self-propelled launcher OTRK "Iskander-M" of the Russian Armed Forces. Photos from open sources

It is noted that for the first time from the territory of Belarus the enemy used Tu-22M3 long-range bombers against Ukraine . And also resumed the use of operational and tactical complexes "Iskander" from this country.

Russian Caliber missile

Sea-based Caliber cruise missiles were mainly aimed at targets in western Ukraine. In the northern direction from Tu-22M3 aircraft, the bombers launched X-22 missiles. The Russians used six Tu-22M3 strategic bombers.

According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Russian planes took off from Shaykivka Airport in the Kaluga region of the Russian Federation, then entered the airspace of Belarus through its territory and the Smolensk region.

The missiles were launched near the town of Petrykiv, near Mozyr, 50-60 km from the border with Ukraine. After launch, the bombers returned to Shaykivka.

Soviet supersonic strategic bomber Tu-22M3. Alexey Fedoseev / RIA Novosti

The enemy also used ground-based missiles from Iskander and Point-U operational and tactical complexes.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, this was a large-scale provocation by Russia to further involve Belarus in a direct war against Ukraine.

In the southern direction, the occupiers used Onyx missiles of the Bastion coastal missile complex.

PKR launch from the Bastion complex. Freeze frame from buckets of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia.

The Air Force noted that the X-22, Onyx and Iskander missiles are extremely difficult targets for air defense systems in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, the speed of Onyx and X-22 missiles is over 3,000 km / h. Iskander missiles fly on a ballistic trajectory. Their defeat is an atypical and difficult task for the air defense facilities available in Ukraine.

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