Special forces snipers showed the elimination of the enemy in Donetsk region (VIDEO)

Special forces snipers
Special forces snipers
© Photo: facebook.com/usofcom
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 19 2023 at 08:24 am
Source: shotam.info

The SSO snipers showed footage of the successful liquidation of the occupiers in Donetsk region.

The video was published on the Facebook page of the military unit.

It is noted that the shots show the accurate work of snipers of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction.

"My shots are already hundreds, more to come!" - said one of the SSO snipers.

About SSO of Ukraine

Special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are a separate type of forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which include special purpose units and units of informational and psychological special operations. The unofficial national anthem is the song "Tyho came, quietly left", written during the Russian-Ukrainian war. During the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, soldiers of the SSO carried out a number of important special operations, in particular:

  • blew up the pontoon bridge of the occupiers in Luhansk region;
  • destroyed the enemy "Hradi" shelling Severodonetsk;
  • discovered and destroyed the communication station of the occupiers in Kharkiv Oblast;
  • blew up an enemy KamAZ in the deep rear of the enemy;
  • cities in Donetsk region were blown up behind enemy lines;
  • captured UAV "Orlan-10" with factory documentation.

It will be recalled that the SSO destroyed an enemy boat during the assault on the positions of the occupiers.

We also reported how the SSO destroyed the enemy's machine gun emplacement, which hindered the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk region.

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