The "Karpatska Sich" battalion destroyed the enemy during a breakthrough attempt (VIDEO)

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 01 2022 at 11:24 pm

Soldiers of the 49th separate rifle battalion "Karpatska Sich" destroyed enemy equipment during another breakthrough in the sector.

The video was published on the Facebook page of the battalion.

"This will be the case with all Muscovites and their mercenaries who set foot on our Earth!" - wrote our defenders.

About the battalion "Karpatska Sich"

A separate volunteer group "Karpatska Sich" was created in 2014. In 2015, the unit became part of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces. During the time of participation in the military operations in the east of Ukraine, the detachment became a company, took part in battles near the Donetsk airport: the battles for Pisky, the Butovka mine, Vodyane, Opytne.

From February 24, 2022, "ODCH Karpatska Sich" defended Kyiv, held positions in Irpin, Romanivka and in the Brovary direction. Currently, the unit is located in the Izyum direction.

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