The occupiers kidnapped the mayor of Kherson Igor Kolikhaev

Kherson Mayor Igor Kolikhayev
Kherson Mayor Igor Kolikhayev
© Photos from open sources
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 28 2022 at 12:20 pm

The Russian occupiers took Kherson Mayor Igor Kolikhayev away. The chief of the Kherson regional military administration Gennady Laguta reported about it to "".

Laguta noted that the Russians took Kolikhayev away at about 11 a.m. on June 28. It is currently unknown where the mayor of Kherson is.

The information was also confirmed by Kolykhayev's adviser Halyna Lyashevska on Facebook. "They took Igor Kolykhayev," the adviser wrote.

It is known that Igor Kolikhayev remained in Kherson despite the occupation. He said he was doing his duty to the voters.

Earlier, the racists kidnapped the mayor of Beryslav in the Kherson region. Mykola Sikalenko, the village head of the Tsyrkuns in the Kharkiv region. In Melitopol, the occupiers kidnapped four journalists . The invaders also abducted the first deputy mayor of Energodar.

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