The Russian military fired at least five types of rockets at Odesa, a child is in intensive care (photo)

journalist Andrii Tsaplienko
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: July 24 2023 at 01:37 pm

During the missile attack at night, the enemy hit Odeshchyna with at least five types of missiles of all types of bases. According to OC "Pivden", the occupiers used "Kalibri", "Onyx", Kh-22 and Iskander-K, as well as ballistic Iskander-M.

Air defense forces destroyed a significant part of the missiles. At the same time, the rest caused destruction to the port infrastructure, at least six residential buildings, including apartment buildings.

"Dozens of cars were mutilated, facades and roofs of many buildings in the city were damaged, windows were broken. On one of the central squares of Odesa, the cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) was damaged by a Russian rocket. Two architectural monuments were damaged," - noted OK "South".

There are also several potholes in the city, there are interruptions in power lines, which may complicate traffic, and the route of city transport is likely to be changed.

As of 5:25 a.m., 1 dead person is known. Rescuers successfully unblocked one person. Another 22 people were injured, including 4 children. 17 people were injured and hospitalized, including three children (two are 17 years old, and one child is 12).

As of 11:00 a.m., three victims, including a 17-year-old boy, were in city hospitals, Oleg Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, said.

"His condition is stable. He is in intensive care," the official said.

Also, as Serhii Bratchuk, the spokesman of OK "Pivden", reported, as a result of the night attack by the Russians, Zhvanetskyi Boulevard suffered significant damage. In addition, he warned that Primorska Street is closed to all types of traffic.

Photo of the consequences of the missile attack on Odesa:


Photos: journalist Andrii Tsaplienko

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