The S-400 system is not capable of shooting down HIMARS missiles

Russian S-400
Russian S-400
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 11 2022 at 01:04 pm

Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Anton Gerashchenko , reports that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has begun "showdowns" with the management of the manufacturer of air defense systems — S300 and S400 — the Almaz-Antey concern.

The advertised Russian S-400 long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile system, designed to destroy "all modern and promising means of air-space attack (including hypersonic ones)", proved helpless against HIMARS missiles.

He believes that the chairman of the board - the former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mykhailo Fradkov and the director of the concern Jan Novikov can not only remain in their posts, but also receive criminal cases for "undermining" the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

"The leadership of this criminal organization, during the conclusion of multibillion-dollar contracts for the supply of the S-400, guaranteed that their air defense systems would be guaranteed to shoot down not only planes and helicopters, but also missiles launched by American HIMARS surface-to-air missiles. As always happens in the military industry of the Nazi Russian Federation, the technical characteristics of the flagship complex of air defense were inflated by an order of magnitude, and the money allocated for the development of the S-400 was safely stolen," Gerashchenko writes on his Telegram channel.

He notes that the deception was revealed recently, when S-400s failed to shoot down a single HIMARS missile either in Donbas, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

"Not only that, during the attack on the Russian military base in Ilovaisk, HIMARS missiles destroyed the S-400 complex, which was supposed to cover this area from air strikes. In other words, the S400 anti-aircraft complex cannot protect the airspace, and is not even able to protect itself," Gerashchenko emphasizes.

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