The SSO of Ukraine destroyed the enemy's Uragan salvo fire systems (VIDEO)

SSO of Ukraine
SSO of Ukraine
© Photo: SSO
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 06 2022 at 01:03 am

Soldiers of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine destroyed several units of the Uragan multiple-launch rocket systems of the Russian occupiers.

The video was published on the YouTube channel of the SSO of Ukraine.

According to information, the occupiers brought their "Hurricanes" anti-aircraft missile defense system and additional equipment for operation to a convenient, in the opinion of the invaders, place. And they were already preparing to shell Ukrainian positions.

Having scouted the location of the priority targets of the Russian equipment, the operators of the SSO of Ukraine "transmitted several "greetings" from drones" and further adjusted the fire of our artillery.

About SSO of Ukraine

Special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are a separate type of forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which include special purpose units and units of informational and psychological special operations.

The unofficial anthem of the SSO of Ukraine is the song "I came quietly, I left quietly", written during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

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