"They said to shoot": a Pskov paratrooper told about the order of commanders not to take Ukrainian fighters prisoner. Video

Pskov paratrooper told about the order of commanders not to take Ukrainian fighters prisoner.
Pskov paratrooper told about the order of commanders not to take Ukrainian fighters prisoner.
© myukraineis.org
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: February 07 2023 at 06:57 pm
Source: myukraineis.org

A prisoner of war Russian occupant-paratrooper confessed to the criminal order of his leadership. The invaders were ordered not to take the AFU soldiers as prisoners, but to shoot them, which is a violation of the laws and customs of war.

The Russian said this during interrogation. Ukrainian journalist and war correspondent Andriy Tsaplienko shared the corresponding video in Telegram. He did not specify where it was filmed (to see the video, scroll to the end of the page).

The Russian soldier looks very young. He went to war against Ukraine on mobilization and serves in the Pskov 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division.

The Russian occupier admitted that he and his comrades shot captured Ukrainians.
The Russian occupier admitted that he and his comrades shot captured Ukrainians.

"And how many of you are so young there?" - the Russian soldier was asked. He replied that there were four companies.

The invader confirmed that he had heard orders to shoot Ukrainian defenders even if they were willing to surrender. "Even if they don't have machine guns or armor," he noted.

Tsaplienko stressed that this video is proof of another war crime of the army of the aggressor country.

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