Ukrainian engineers have developed the Sokil-300 strike drone, which can fly 3,300 km. Here are its characteristics: photo, video

© Photo from open sources
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: December 11 2022 at 01:48 pm

Engineers of the "Luch" design bureau designed the "Sokil-300" strike drone. In motion, it can be driven by engines of several types. Ukrainian power plants MS-500-05S/SE and AI-450T2, as well as Austrian Rotax 914 are meant.

The take-off weight of the drone directly depends on the type of engine installed. For example, the Sokol modification with the AI-450T2 engine has a take-off weight of 535 kg. When installing the Rotax 914 engine in the UAV, its take-off weight will decrease to 420 kg.

The Ukrainian strike drone is capable of moving at an altitude of up to 12 km. An inertial block and laser gyroscopes are used to control it. It was developed by specialists of the Arsenal instrument-making enterprise. As weapons, the drone uses RK-10, R2-M and RK-2P missiles. They can hit targets at a distance of up to 10 km.

The drone can carry on board a radar with a synthesized aperture, as well as a small-sized radar station. The accuracy of ground scanning by radar from a height of 5 kilometers is 30×30 cm. The "eyes" of the drone are the opto-electronic station from the Barrier-B ATGM.

It is worth noting that the type of engine installed in the UAV depends not only on its take-off weight, but also on its flight range. The modification with the Ukrainian AP-450T2 engine is capable of covering a distance of up to 1,300 km. The flight range of a drone with a Rotax 914 engine can reach 3,300 km.

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