Zhirinovsky son changed his first and last name, planning to escape from Russia: photo published

Zhirinovsky son changed his first and last name
Zhirinovsky son changed his first and last name
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: May 23 2022 at 04:12 pm
Source: myukraineis.org

The former vice-speaker of the Russian Duma and the son of the LDPR leader Zhirinovsky, Igor Lebedev, completely changed his name, surname and patronymic.

Zhirinovsky  son Igor Lebedev changed his first name, patronymic and last name - now his name is David Alexandrovich Garcia. He is going to go abroad, where, according to media reports, he has a lot of luxury real estate. This is reported by Russian news agencies with reference to the data of journalists from the Baza news publication.

According to the investigation, the former parliamentarian changed his name last summer, at the same time as he announced his retirement from politics and the Liberal Democratic Party.

Early Russian journalists found out that Igor Lebedev, through his friends and relatives, owns several houses and hotels in Spain. In the spring of 2020, Lebedev was suspected of embezzling money from LDPR youth organizations. This was one of the reasons for the conflict between Zhirinovsky and his son. In the summer of 2021, Lebedev announced that he was suspending his participation in the political life of Russia. However, he changed not only his job, but also completely changed his first name, patronymic and last name.

“Given the large amount of real estate in Spain, it is possible that Lebedev-Garcia wants to eventually move to Europe for good. In this case, the names typical for that area will make life much easier for him in a new place, ” the journalists say.

Commenting on the plans of Zhirinovsky son, the well-known Ukrainian journalist and blogger Denis Kazansky in his Telegram channel notes the extreme degree of cynicism, in which influential politicians in Russia and its population found themselves in a diametrically opposite situation. Some spend their capital in the West, while others are forced to fight in the war with Ukraine for goals invented by the Kremlin.

"Just a classic of Russian imperial patriotism. Papa made his fortunes, hanging noodles on the ears about the greatness of Russia to the near Russian proles. And the children and grandchildren eventually packed their bags and went to squander their inheritance in the damned West, leaving war, poverty and eternal sanctions to fooled fans of the possessed Zhirinovsky.

David will be fine now. And Vanka the Fool, who has seen enough of Zhirinovsky speeches on TV, will burn in a tank during the assault on Severodonetsk and will remain a nameless firebrand in the steppes of Donbass , "Kazansky notes.

At the same time, Russian sources note that since 2014, Zhirinovsky son has been under European Union sanctions, which prohibit him from visiting the countries of the bloc.

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