1500 rounds of the day, teachers in the defense and bomb shelter for mothers with children. Transformation of the school at the hour of war

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: March 19 2022 at 09:26 am
Source: alwaysbusymama.com

It is said that light people are clearly visible in the dark. The war has become a litmus test for all of us. Now we, Ukrainians, are taking an exam for humanity, sensitivity and openness, although we pay too high a price for it - human lives. About the private school MIDGARD, which from the first days of Russia's war against Ukraine became a volunteer hub, more.

"23 days ago, we had a completely different life, full of plans for the future, with an active introductory campaign for beginners, preparation for external evaluation for graduates and anticipation of spring. But everything has changed and will never be the same again, ”says Oleh Popov, founder and director of MIDGARD, an architect, a personal expert and an expert in the field of education.
founder and director of MIDGARD
founder and director of MIDGARD

Today, everyone has their own front and the school has been actively helping in several ways since day one.

The team immediately considered all possible options for their activities and began to work.

The LA CAMPUS school canteen has become a food hub, where staff and volunteers prepare more than 1,500 lunches a day for the Terror Defense, the needy and the needy in Kyiv. Some of the products are provided by the Food Safety Center, some are provided by philanthropists and volunteers.

Special emphasis and great gratitude of StudioPak, which without hesitation, stood side by side with the food front and provided a total of 1,800,000 pieces of safe and environmentally friendly lunch packaging for volunteering. They gave away all their packaging from the warehouse, as production is near the epicenter of hostilities and is currently suspended. Part of the total was transferred to the MIDGARD school.

The school also helps with food for the animal shelter every day.

Teachers did not hesitate to defend the city as part of territorial assistance, and the school at their own expense provided them with means of protection. Security - above all!

In addition, the school has a bomb shelter, which in peacetime was a basement with an anti-stress room, and now has become a safe haven for women with children and the elderly.

"I feel incredibly proud to see the active participation and real help of my partners, friends and team. Only by joint efforts will we be able to win! ”

A separate area of ​​assistance was the evacuation of the population to safer areas.

"During this time, together with the Pandora studio, we took more than 200 people out of Kyiv by car, including about 50 children."

In addition, a school bus works for evacuation, which takes people from the capital to Western Ukraine, and vice versa - delivers humanitarian goods with food and medicine to volunteer headquarters.

"Every time such a trip is a risk, but understanding the importance of such routes for people - we are ready to help"

On March 14, the school started teaching online for its students, and although now everyone is in different conditions and parts of the world, teachers are also at the forefront of education.

"Undoubtedly, it was very important for children to restore the educational process, but in addition to academic knowledge, we pay great attention to the psychological activities of students in groups and individually."

When asked what Oleg wishes to our readers, he answered briefly: "Peace be upon you!"

Only by joint efforts will we be able to bring our victory closer!

Everything will be Ukraine!

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