Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleksandr Tupytskyi has been declared internationally wanted

Oleksandr Tupytskyi has been declared internationally wanted
Oleksandr Tupytskyi has been declared internationally wanted
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: May 27 2022 at 05:15 pm

According to police, Tupitsky is currently in Austria. Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleksandr Tupytskyi has been declared internationally wanted for systematic evasion of court.

This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General.

He is accused of committing a number of criminal offenses against justice.

In particular, that he:

  • in October 2018, acting for selfish motives, in personal interests and in the interests of his acquaintance, bribed a witness to refuse to testify or give knowingly false testimony in criminal proceedings related to illegal seizure of property assets of CJSC "Zuev Energy and Mechanical Plant »;
  • During 2018-2019, he repeatedly, for selfish reasons, gave the investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine in the same proceedings knowingly false testimony, combined with the artificial creation of evidence of protection for a particularly serious crime.

The Prosecutor General's Office also adds that on March 17, 2022, Tupytsky, "having no legal grounds to leave Ukraine under martial law, in violation of the law, without passing border and customs control," crossed the state border of Ukraine near the checkpoint. Kosino ”in the Zakarpattia region and is currently located in Austria. According to the UCP, these circumstances are the subject of a pre-trial investigation in a separate proceeding.

On May 15, the term of office of Constitutional Court Judge Oleksandr Tupytsky expired . On May 19, at a special sitting of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine , a new CCU judge, Oksana Hryshchuk, was sworn in.

In late May, the President's Office said that the "necessity of existence" of the Constitutional Court needed to be reconsidered.

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