Armed Forces of Ukraine are Defeating russian Occupiers in Kharkiv Region - Video, Photo

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: March 27 2022 at 03:17 pm
Source: Valerii Riabykh

Russian occupiers were expelled from two villages in the Kharkiv region – Husarivka (situated to the East of Kharkiv) and Vilkhivka (situated to the South of Kharkiv) The Armed Forces of Ukraine knocked the Russian occupiers out of the village of Husarivka. According to the military, about 60 units of enemy equipment were destroyed.

According to the military, about 60 units of enemy equipment were destroyed in the village of Husarivka
According to the military, about 60 units of enemy equipment were destroyed in the village of Husarivka

"Husarivka was occupied by 2 BTGs of the Russian occupiers with the support of Russian special forces. The occupiers were knocked out. About 60 units of equipment were destroyed," the Armed Forces of Ukraine posted on Facebook.

Russian personnel losses are being determined but are expected to exceed 100 people.

Ukrainian military also unvield video how they are liberating Vilkhivka village near Kharkiv.

Ukrainian defenders liberated the village of Vilkhivka, a few kilometers of Kharkiv, killing about 70 occupiers and taking as a prisoners of war another 27.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are defeating the Russian occupiers in the Kharkiv region, Defense Express
Ukrainian defenders are widly using drones in combat

"Our unit liberated the locality of Vilkhivka during the offensive operation. About 70 units of enemy manpower, three units of equipment were eliminated. A command-staff vehicle and a multi-purpose light-armored towing vehicle were taken as trophies. Twenty-seven occupiers were taken captive,” Commanders of the Kharkiv branch battalions of the Azov territorial defense, Kostiantyn Nemichev and Serhiy Velychko posted on Telegram.

The video was published on Ukrinform TV YouTube channel:

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