European Commission calls on Ukraine to take measures to ensure that legislation on the CS, de-oligarchization, money laundering and national minorities meets the recommendations

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Kostiantyn Golubtsov
Published: February 02 2023 at 03:47 pmSource:
The European Commission calls on Ukraine to take all necessary measures for the legislation on the Constitutional Court (CC), deoligarchization, money laundering and national minorities to comply with international recommendations.
Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhey said this, reported, citing Interfax-Ukraine.
"We are amazed at the speed at which Ukraine is moving to enforce these seven recommendations in such difficult circumstances... At the same time, speed should not be at the expense of quality," Varhei said at a joint meeting of the Ukrainian government and the European Commission in Kiev on Thursday.
He noted that the European Commission welcomes the progress made in the fight against corruption and judicial reform, as well as in the fight against money laundering. The commissioner stressed that Ukraine needs to bring the necessary reforms in line with the recommendations.
"We are all aware of some caveats from the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission regarding the percentage of selection of Constitutional Court judges and deoligarchic processes. Therefore, we ask you to address as soon as possible such issues as the composition of the panel of experts on the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court, so that it meets the recommendations of the 'Venice Commission,'" he said.
Varhei drew attention to the law on deoligarchization, in particular with regard to competitiveness and transparency in the media space. In addition, he stressed that the new legislation on money laundering must fully comply with European standards.
Varhei also expressed the hope that a new director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau will be appointed soon.
Among other things, the European Commission calls on Ukraine to adopt all necessary legislation on national minorities in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.
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