For attacks in Ukraine, the Kremlin ostentatiously punished the commanders of the occupying troops

For an hour of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the annual strategic tasks, as if pathetically deafened by the way at the promotion of the 23rd fierce, the Russian occupation troops did not go far.
- “Irresistible that legendary” army appeared as a horde of victories, marauders, valtivniks and boguzivs under kerivnitstv for no reason and villains. The incompetence of the Russian Viennese elite overturned the mustache of the light sleepiness.
- In order to change for oneself the traces of the possible political and criminal acts, the Kremlin government is trying to call upon all failures and defeats of the commanders of the occupational parts of that land. Poshuk vinnyh kerіvnitstvo of the land-occupier rozpochala in the "shorter Stalinist traditions."
- So, for the “heroic waste” of the pride of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, the missile cruiser “Moskva” was imprisoned and imprisoned by the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Igor Osipov. The next steps were also rospochato yogo first intercessor Vice-Admiral Sergiy Pinchuk.
- For the unprecedented use of a special warehouse, the development of that military technique was taken from the plantation of Vladislav Yershov, who was the guardian of the sixth army of the Russian Federation.
- For the same reasons, the commander of the First Tank Army of the Western Military District, Lieutenant General Sergiy Kisel, was cited. “Vuperech to the order of the great kerіvnitstva”, the general led the execution of punitive operations on the territory of Ukraine of the strokoviks.
- In connection with the unsatisfactory vikonannya, the commanders of the army were put in charge of the commander of the 22nd AC of the pivden military district in Crimea, Major General Arkady Marzoev.
- The commander of the 103rd military brigade of material and technical support, Colonel Mikhail Ponomarov, was taken away from the prison.
- Mustaches of early showings are less likely to spread the middle of the occupiers in distrust of their commanders. The military leaders of the aggressor country and nadali continue to fight the world with their incompetence and self-destruction.
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