He fought for three days: soldiers of the Armed Forces shot down a plane with a Wagner pilot (VIDEO)

Photos from open sources
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 21 2022 at 02:52 pm
Source: myukraineis.org

The Ukrainian military shot down a Russian plane with a Russian mercenary pilot from the Wagner airfield. The occupier made its first combat sortie on June 14, and three days later was taken prisoner by the Armed Forces.

This was reported on the page of the Security Service of Ukraine in Telegram.

According to the SBU, the mercenary plane was shot down by the Ukrainian military with a shot from the Igla MANPADS. In general, the occupier managed to make 1-2 combat sorties in three days.

"Now he is telling the SBU how he dropped bombs on Ukraine. At the same time, he tries to justify himself and says that it was only a matter of "striking at strongholds, accumulations of force and manpower of the enemy." However, when I saw on video the results of Russia's attacks on peaceful settlements, the occupier's self-confidence disappeared somewhere, "the Security Service said.

They added that in addition to the detained pilot, other mercenaries, not staff pilots of the Russian Armed Forces, also fly Russian fighters. For this "work" the occupier received about 200 thousand rubles a month.

About Wagner

Wagner's private military company is a Russian mercenary military structure established in 2013. He took part in hostilities in a number of conflicts, including in the Donbas and during the full-scale war against Ukraine on the Russian side. The Wagnerians also fought in Syria on the side of Russia's ally, the Assad regime.

In May 2022, the Armed Forces managed to eliminate two high-ranking pilots from the APC near Popasna: retired Major General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Kanamat Botashev and retired Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus Mykola Markov.

We will remind, the French self-propelled artillery CAESAR installations are already in the territory of Ukraine and are actively applied by fighters of ZSU against occupiers.

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