In the Luhansk region fire from M777 burned three Russian "Grads"

Burning BM-21
Burning BM-21 "Hail" of Russians in the Luhansk region. June 2022
© Frame from the video of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 13 2022 at 03:54 pm

Artillery of the Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed three launchers of multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) "Hail".

The video of the destruction of Russian weapons was published by the Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Artillerymen of the National Guard of Ukraine fired at the occupiers from M777 trailer howitzers of 155 mm caliber.

During reconnaissance of the enemy's rear in the Severodonetsk direction, SSO operators discovered several MLRS BM-21 "Hail" installations.

Russian BM-21 "Hail" in the Luhansk region. June 2022. Frame from the video of the SSO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

"It was their enemy who used the shelling of Severodonetsk, other settlements and positions of the Defense Forces of Ukraine," the statement said.

Having established the exact coordinates of the Russian installations of multiple rocket launchers with the help of an unmanned complex, the Ukrainian military passed these data to the NMU artillerymen - soldiers of howitzer calculations M777 .

Howitzers M777, May 2022 Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

“Our colleagues destroyed 3 out of 4 enemy MLRS installations with accurate fire. Another Hail installation was damaged as a result of the shelling. The artillerymen were corrected by the operators of the SSO of Ukraine, ”the special forces emphasized.

BM-21 "Hail" - a rocket-propelled grenade launcher 122 mm. Developed in the USSR, produced on the basis of the chassis of the Ural-375 truck.

MLRS BM-21 "Hail" of the Russian occupation forces in the Donbass

The system is designed to destroy manpower, weapons and military equipment at a maximum range of 40 km.

We remind you that the Russian occupation forces recently destroyed a road bridge connecting Severodonetsk and Lysychansk.

The Proletarian Bridge across the Seversky Donets, which leads to Severodonetsk, was destroyed. June 2022. Ukraine

"The Russians are throwing all their strength to cut off Severodonetsk. The next two or three days will be significant, ”said Serhiy Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Regional Administration, on June 12.

The Russians are shelling the last third overpass to the city with artillery.

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