Mars II: The Ukrainian military will begin to take over German systems next week

Launch a rocket from Mars II
Launch a rocket from Mars II
© Photo: Bundeswehr
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 22 2022 at 06:40 pm

The Ukrainian military will begin training on German Mars II multiple rocket launchers next week.

This was announced by German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht during a speech in the Bundestag, writes Focus.

" It (training, ed.) Starts next week ," she said, answering a question from one of the deputies.

The Ukrainian military will work with German colleagues, learn the necessary German commands to control the computer system.

MLRS Mars 2 (M270 MLRS-E) of the German Armed Forces. Photos from open sources


MLS Mars II (Mittlere A rtillerie Raketen System) - German rocket-propelled grenade launcher, which was adopted by the Bundeswehr in 1990.

This crawler launcher is in fact a licensed copy of the American M270 MLRS with minor modifications.

The artillery part of the system consists of two disposable blocks, each of which houses six transport and launch containers (TPK) with 227 or 237 mm caliber jet munitions. The maximum range of targets at a distance of 45,000 - 70,000 m, depending on the ammunition.

Launch from RSZV Mars II. Photo: Bundeswehr

The system is designed to destroy clusters of enemy manpower and equipment, artillery batteries, air defense equipment, command posts and communications, as well as to establish minefields by remote mining.

It will be recalled that Christine Lambrecht also told deputies that Ukraine will not use Western weapons to attack, but will defend its territories from Russia.

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