Shoigu lied to Putin about "capture of Mariupol"

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: April 21 2022 at 01:21 pm

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told the aggressor country's president, Vladimir Putin, about "liberating Mariupol," but then added that "more than 2,000" Ukrainian defenders remained in the city.

Source : Shoigu-Putin conversation quoted by Russian media

Details : Shoigu reported that at the time of the encirclement of the nationalist capital Azov, as he called Mariupol, "the Ukrainian Armed Forces and foreign mercenaries numbered about 8,100," and now more than 2,000 are "securely blocked in Azovstal."

Shoigu, like last month, reiterated that "it will take three or four days to complete the operation with Azovstal ."

The minister suggested that Putin storm Azovstal. Therefore, he allegedly did not like this idea, and he decided that "it is not necessary to climb into the catacombs, it is necessary to block the industrial zone in Azovstal so that the fly does not fly."

Putin called "the end of hostilities against Mariupol" a success and congratulated Shoigu .

The Russian media also distributed a video, which could be a montage, given Russia's experience in this.

In particular, people notice Putin's unusual stooping, tense posture and unnatural head movements.

For reference : Despite the fact that most of the city is occupied by the occupiers, the Ukrainian military is resisting and reporting on the elimination of the Russians.

In particular, the Azov Regiment reported that it had destroyed three tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and an armored personnel carrier in the last two days.

Background : Commander of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy Serhiy Volynsky (Volyn) called on foreign countries to urgently carry out an "extraction" from Mariupol - to take several hundred military and civilians from Azovstal to a safe place to save from the Russians.

On April 20, it became known that the Marines and the Azov had rescued half a thousand soldiers from the port of Mariupol.

We will remind:

  • Mariupol has been under siege since March 1. On April 12, some Marines were able to break through from the Ilyich plant to representatives of the Azov Regiment at the Azovstal plant, while some were taken prisoner .
  • The Russian army strikes Azovstal with heavy bombs . On April 19, Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalyna), deputy commander of the Azov Regiment, said that the Azovstal plant had been almost completely destroyed and that fighters were pulling people out from under the rubble.
  • On April 19, the Russian Defense Ministry at least for the third time asked Ukrainian defenders stationed at Azovstal to lay down their arms and surrender .

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