SSO soldiers of Ukraine destroyed enemy ammunition and artillery (VIDEO)

SSO soldiers of Ukraine
SSO soldiers of Ukraine
© Photo:
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 23 2022 at 09:08 pm

The SSO operators of Ukraine together with the artillerymen masterfully worked out the task of destroying enemy equipment, ammunition and manpower of the Russian occupiers.

The video was published on the Facebook page of the Special Operations Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This was preceded by an accurate reconnaissance of enemy clusters. Ukrainian special forces have established several places where the Russian military kept heavy weapons and ammunition.

Then our artillery joined the cause of destroying enemy forces. Due to precise adjustments by the SSO operators of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers suffered considerable losses.

About SSO of Ukraine

The Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are a separate branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which includes special purpose units and units of information and psychological special operations. Units are staffed with specialists who have special capabilities in the areas of intelligence, direct actions and military support to perform complex, dangerous, sometimes politically sensitive operations conducted by the SSO Command of Ukraine.

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