The 152-mm D-20 howitzer was torn from the Russian occupiers

The howitzer D-20 of the occupying forces of Russia is torn. June 2022
The howitzer D-20 of the occupying forces of Russia is torn. June 2022
© Photo: Russian media
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 08 2022 at 11:07 pm

At one of the artillery positions of the occupying forces of Russia there was an explosion of 152-mm trailer cannon-howitzer D-20

The published photos show the consequences of the explosion.

Probably, the incident took place in Donbass in Luhansk region.

Based on the photos with the consequences, there was an explosion of charge, not a projectile.

The howitzer D-20 of the occupying forces of Russia is torn. June 2022. Ukraine. Photo: Russian media

This happens when from a long time of storage in the wrong conditions part of the gunpowder in the charge crumbles to dust.

Accordingly, the area of ​​the combustion surface and, accordingly, the pressure of the powder gases increases sharply.

The howitzer D-20 of the occupying forces of Russia is torn. June 2022. Ukraine. Photo: Russian media

The result is a rupture of the breech of the howitzer.

D-20 howitzer guns were developed immediately after the end of World War II in the Soviet Union.

152-mm trailed cannon-howitzer D-20. Museum of Technology, Arkhangelsk, Moscow region.

It was to replace the pre-war 152-mm ML-20 howitzer-gun of the 1937 model.

The length of the gun barrel - 34 calibers. It became the first 152-mm cannon system with a semi-automatic wedge shutter with vertical movement of the wedge.

Howitzer at the exercises of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. September 2021. Photo: Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are also actively using these trailer howitzers. The howitzer is in service in at least 13 states.

The ACS based on it, known as the Type 83, was first introduced in the mid-1980s.

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