The son-in-law of Russia's chief rocket engineer lives in Prague - mass media

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 09 2023 at 11:10 am

Relatives of Boris Obnosov - the general director of the Russian corporation "Tactical Missile Arms" (KTRV), whose developments are used for shelling Ukraine - continue to live in the Czech Republic and own real estate worth tens of millions of crowns.

This was reported by the team of the "Fund to fight corruption" of the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, which was noted by the Czech publication Novinky , writes " European Pravda ".

According to Russian investigators, Obnosov's son-in-law Rostislav Zorikov, who has been a permanent resident of the Czech Republic since at least June 2020 and owns real estate in the city worth more than 100 million crowns, lives in Prague.

Zorikov's stay in Prague was confirmed by a video posted on Twitter by the Russian anti-war movement Vesna. On it, Obnosov's son-in-law allegedly attacks the activist who filmed him, but it is not specified when exactly this happened.

Neither Obnosov nor Zorikov are under the sanctions of the European Union or the Czech Republic, although KTRV is on the sanctions list. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic refused to comment on the situation.

"We do not release details about the process of placing individuals on the national sanctions list for security reasons," agency spokesman Daniel Drake said.

Rostislav Zorikov is the husband of Boris Obnosov's daughter, Olga, who is believed to work at an event agency specializing in the organization of lavish weddings and celebrations in Russia and abroad. Obnosova also allegedly owns 20% of KTRV shares.

According to the Navalny Foundation, Zorikov himself owns assets in two companies worth about 188 million Czech crowns. The companies are officially engaged in construction activities and leasing of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises.

We will remind that at the end of June, the Czech government decided to impose sanctions on the Russian oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov and his son Felix, who have significant assets in the country.

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