Ukrainian world and European powerlifting champion Oleksandr Bilokon has tragically died on the frontline

Oleksandr Bilokon
Oleksandr Bilokon
© Photo: Facebook page of Vadym Kysil
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: February 04 2024 at 06:08 pm

Bilokon, a Ukrainian record holder, was confirmed deceased by the President of the Ukrainian Greco-Roman Wrestling Federation, Vadim Kisil, in a Facebook post.

"Oleksandr Bilokon, the world and European powerlifting champion and a record holder in the Ukrainian Book of Records, has fallen in the war against Russian fascists," Kisil wrote.

He recalled that Bilokon was one of the strongest men in Ukraine. In 2017, Bilokon set a Ukrainian record by moving a truck with a trailer full of people in the center of Odessa.

World and European Powerlifting Champion Oleksandr Bilokon
Photo: Facebook page of Vadym Kysil

In 2020, he earned the title of Master of Sports in strongman games.

Bilokon was mobilized into the military in March 2023.

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