Russia started to hit cities with S-400 48N6DM missiles: where they hit, threat and counteraction

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: January 16 2023 at 12:16 pm

Defense Express received a photo of the wreckage of the missiles that the Russian Federation shelled Kyiv with on January 14, it is 48N6DM from S-400, which means that a number of cities at a considerable distance from the border or the front line are under the threat of similar extremely dangerous indiscriminate attacks

During another terrorist attack on Ukraine, the Russian army used S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, in particular, Kyiv came under their attack, as it was officially reported by the Air Force Command of Ukraine.

At the same time, Defense Express from its own sources received photos of the wreckage of these anti-aircraft missiles, which can be identified without any options as 48H6DM due to the markings applied. And despite the fact that the enemy has repeatedly used missiles from S-300, it was about 5B55 missiles, which have a shorter range and a smaller warhead.

The 48N6DM missile

The 48N6DM missile, which is not in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, has a larger warhead, and most importantly - the flight range. For 5B55, the range of air targets is up to 75 km, and the weight of the warhead is 133 kg. For 48N6DM - 250 km and 180 kg respectively.

The launch area for launching 48N6DM missiles from the S-400, with the highest degree of probability, is the territory of the Belarusian airfield "Zyabrovka", which is located near Gomel, just 20 km from the border with Ukraine. It is this airfield in Belarus that has already been officially listed as the launch area of the S-300 for strikes on ground targets in Chernihiv region.

Given the importance of the information, the purpose of which is to prove that now it has become much more dangerous to ignore air raid signals, we present the main aspects in the text version:

The proven launch range of 48N6DM as a surface-to-surface missile is from 230 km and this figure can be considered "from". This kill zone allows to keep at gunpoint from the territory of Belarus not only the capital of Ukraine, but also such cities as Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk and Lviv.

Previously, due to the use of 5B55 missiles with a proven launch range of 120 km at ground targets, all these cities were not in the risk zone. 120 km from the "Belarusian direction" allowed the Russian army to keep only the cities on the conditional line Kovel-Sarni-Korosten in the crosshairs.

Now, taking into account the latest strike, as well as the fact that among the fragments of missiles used by the enemy back in December, elements of 48N6DM missiles were also found, the enemy began to systematically use newer and more long-range missiles from the S-400.

It is important to note that the use of anti-aircraft missiles to strike the ground involves their launch on a ballistic trajectory. And their interception requires missile defense systems such as Patriot PAC3 with MSE kinetic interceptors. Why this is so is explained in detail in a separate article on the difference between missile and air defense.

It is also necessary to take into account the huge maximum speed of the 48N6DM missile - 2.5 km/s. Thus, the flight to 230 km is approximately several minutes. All this requires an adequate response to an airborne alarm.

Taking into account the 48H6DM missile guidance mechanism in the "ground-to-ground" mode, which, like the 5B55, is radio-command, that is, for the accuracy of the strike, it is necessary to have direct radar visibility between the radar and the missile, at a launch range of 230 km, the missile control is lost at an altitude of about 3 km. Then the missile simply falls approximately in the target area by inertial navigation system. The 48N6DM anti-aircraft missiles are equipped with a "contact fuze" that reacts to passing close to an air target. In the case of a ground target, it can be detonated at a low altitude or during contact with the surface.

The mass of the 48N6DM missile and its speed, together with the size of the warhead, allows it to easily penetrate walls or roofs and cause significant damage if it hits a residential building. In the case of explosion at a low altitude - to hit the civilian population with ready-made fragments, especially since the warheads of anti-aircraft missiles are designed for maximum fragmentation.

Accuracy does not allow us to talk about the choice of a specific object to strike and the target for the Russian attack can only be the city as a whole. What the Rashists themselves are well aware of. Thus, launches with S-400 48N6DM missiles pose a significant threat to the civilian population. Therefore, we urge you not to neglect the air raid alarms.

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