The Rashists will now have less ammunition: a powerful explosion 40 km from Bakhmut (video)

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: December 16 2022 at 04:05 pm

The Armed Forces "visited" one of the munitions warehouses of the occupiers In the evening of December 15, a rather powerful "cotton" visited the Rashisti in the occupied territories - videos of what is likely to be damage to the ammunition depot of the Russian occupying army are circulating on social networks.

It is reported that the explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Irmino, in the Luhansk region - the video shows all the "attributes of "cotton" - a powerful flash, strong explosions and detonation sounds.

This settlement is approximately more than 40 km from the contact line, so the strike could be carried out both from HIMARS and from other weapons systems, including high-precision self-propelled guns.

We note that recently such videos with powerful explosions at Russian warehouses with ammunition in the occupied territories began to appear much less often - and there is already an explanation for this.

It is now more difficult for HIMARS to "find" enemy formations
It is now more difficult for HIMARS to "find" enemy formations

Thus, as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces noted, after months of using HIMARS on a number of objects in the rear of the Russian army in the occupied territories, the Russian Federation managed to adapt to this missile system - the Russian Federation "moved" its objects out of the zone of damage of HIMARS missiles, while some objects objects remained in the "field of vision" of the American missile system, which is actively used by the Armed Forces.

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