The total combat losses Russian army in Ukraine from 24.02 to 30.04 - plus 22 tanks per day

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Updated: April 30 2022 at 11:31 am

The armed forces have already destroyed 1,008 tanks and 2,445 armored vehicles of the Russian occupation forces during the war.

Details : The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 30.04 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 23200 (+200) persons were liquidated,
  • tanks - 1008 (+22) units,
  • armored combat vehicles - 2445 (+27) units,
  • artillery systems - 436 (+1) units,
  • MLRS - 151 (+0) units,
  • means of air defense - 77 (+4) units,
  • aircraft - 190 (+1) units,
  • helicopters - 155 (+0) units,
  • automotive equipment - 1701 (+6) units,
  • ships / boats - 8 (+0) units,
  • fuel tanks - 76 (+0),
  • UAV operational and tactical level - 232 (+4).
  • Special equipment - 32 (+1).
  • OTRK / TRK launchers - 4 (+0).

The greatest losses of the enemy (last day) were observed in the Izium direction.

Data are being updated.

We will remind : On the Izium direction National guardsmen together with artillerymen of ZSU struck at a location of the Russian troops, having destroyed more than 30 units of equipment of army of the Russian Federation.

The armed forces have already destroyed 1,008 tanks and 2,445 armored vehicles of the Russian occupation forces during the war.
The armed forces have already destroyed 1,008 tanks and 2,445 armored vehicles of the Russian occupation forces during the war.
total combat losses Russian army in Ukraine

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