Konstantin Stognii

Ukrainian television series producer, publicist, news anchor, criminologist
Konstantin Stognii was born in Kiev, August 16, 1968. Zodiac Sign - Leo
Enrolled into the USSR KGB special unit school at 18 where he'd spent six months in training in special military ops in areas of military conflict around the world. After graduation, he'd served in Afghanistan.
Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Kiev State Shevchenko University and worked as a trainee in multiple Soviet, Ukrainian and foreign editorial agencies.
An extensive list of achievements secured him a position at the National Geographic as a program coordinator for the "Projects within countries of the former USSR."
He'd made an ambitious career change to Ukrainian TV channel Inter in 1998, where he authored and produced a series of news programs that specialized in high-profile criminal events in Ukraine. Stognii had worked on Inter TV until 2007.
In 2008 he starts Zh.A.R.A, a journalistic investigation agency. This was a collaboration project with ICTV, which was the first appearance of "Nadzvichaynі noviny" on ICTV.
In 2009 authors project "The country must know."
In March 2010, Stognii becomes chief adviser to Anatoly Mogilev, Minister of the Interior at the time.
In 2011 engages wholly in television production.
Political Views and Activities
In February 2018 Stognii wins trial against the adviser to the Minister of the Interior Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko for false public accusations.
In 2014 participates in hostage exchange and release negotiations in Donbass.
In summer 2014, on his Facebook page, he posted an appeal to President Petro Poroshenko, addressing sharp questions regarding rampant corruption within the military and the incompetence of the military leadership; this was amid the scandal surrounding the Donbass war veterans not being listed as having taken part in the ATO.
Awarded a USSR Medal of Military Merit and a Medal of Distinction for the Protection of the USSR State Border. Afghan President Najibul Zazi awarded Konstantin Stognii with a gift of distinction "To the internationalist warrior, from the grateful Afghan people." In 2004 awarded the Medal of Courage of III degree. Konstantin Stognii's military awars can be found in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War exposition in Kyiv.
An avid traveler, Stognii also enjoys sports and even more journalism.
Konstantin is the author of six documentary books and seven adventure novels.
These were written during his expeditions to remote places around the world, including Nepal, Bhutan, India, Mexico, Somalia and the Antarctic.
One of his novels, Pangapu, was published twice in Ukraine due to high demand and has later seen an English adaptation.
In the 2018-2019 period writes and publishes The Lost Gospel trilogy, following the adventures of his protagonist from previous novels - Viktor Lavrov, a TV journalist.
Just like his documentary books, his novels draw inspiration from Stognii's expedition diaries from Tibet, Japan, the South Pole, and over 50 other remote countries. In an interview, he said that some of his expeditions would have been impossible to survive without previous survival training.
“There is a set of knowledge and skills that you can acquire, that can help you survive literally anywhere on the planet. You can find a few precious sips of water in a waterless desert, if you know where to look. I do. Sometimes you have to cook a soup with a rat, and sometimes you need a plant against a poison. Sometimes poisonous mushrooms look like the edibles, and some poisonous mushrooms can be cooked to be edible and completely harmless.
I retained the basic medical skills since the years of my military service that come in handy. Putting on a bandages to stop bleeding or even stitching most wounds is not that big a task for me. I can also set up an IV line and administer injections."
Stognii in exotic Ethiopia: visiting a Mursi tribe cut off from civilization
Stognii in Amazonia, in search of the missing Nazi expedition

Sport and healthy lifestyle
Konstantin Stognii boasts an active lifestyle and playing various sports, which is to blame for his energy and stamina on long expeditions.
“In Tibet, for instance, it is forbidden to walk without an oxygen mask at an altitude of more than four thousand meters - shortness of breath and heart problems soon follow. I noticed that I can do without a mask for much longer than my colleagues, and that altitude adaptation was a piece of cake for me” - he told the Teleguide in an interview.
Every morning Stognii starts with a swim in a pond by his house. After that, he does a bit of exercising and stretching, but he emphasizes that one must listen to one's body:
“Sometimes I am in the mood for cardio - I can run 10 kilometers through the forest as a warm-up before the gym. ”

For a serious workout Stognii uses a boxing routine as a model. He is also fond of volleyball, marksmanship, skiing, diving, football and plays in an amateur team for most of them, having accumulated a wealth of prizes over the years.
Stognii is married to Helen Stognii and has four daughters.
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Yuriy Andriyovych Zozulya – CV and biography
From Space Exploration to Medicine: How Ukrainians Shaped Global Innovation
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