The International Fencing Federation “killed” Ukrainian Olga Kharlan because Russian money is more important than peace

Olga Harlan
Olga Harlan
© Illustrative photo from Ukrposhtaopen sources
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: July 28 2023 at 02:30 pm
Source: Olga Chernyavska

The Ukrainian Facebook feed is filled with thanks to Olga Harlan and condemnation of the International Fencing Federation. In fact, the FIE is not independent and international, because it is managed from Moscow and does everything to destroy fencing as an Olympic sport.

Olga Kharlan became the first Ukrainian woman to fight with a representative of the Russian Federation in fencing after the lifting of the Ministry of Sport's ban on fights against aggressors. Ukrainian athletes can now take part in competitions in which athletes from Russia and Belarus will be present, if they will perform in a neutral status, and not under their national flags.

Mykolaiv fencer, Olympic champion Olga Kharlan defeated Russian saber Anna Smirnova at the World Fencing Championship in Milan under a neutral flag with a score of 15:7. Harlan refused the traditional handshake with Smirnova, who is known for supporting Russia's perverted army.

By the way, in October 2022, the Russian military destroyed the college of physical education in Mykolaiv, where the Olympic champion Harlan studied, with rocket fire. Whose hand should I shake?

Harlan said something emotional to Smirnova as she held out her hand, holding her saber in front of her. As it turned out, Olga offered Anna to cross sabers to end the fight according to the "covid protocol" of international FIE rules. But she refused.

Olga Harlan
Olga Harlan

According to FIE rules, our athlete could be disqualified for refusing to shake hands. However, the judges allowed Olga to the next round, but then did not allow her to fight against the representative of Bulgaria, Yoana Iliyeva. Thus, Ilieva was automatically recognized as the winner.

The International Fencing Federation may impose a 60-day ban on Harlan for "refusal to greet an opponent." This will make it impossible for Olga to participate in team competitions at the World Championship, writes

This situation reminded the world about the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Harlan drew the attention of the sports world to the war more than all the officials of the Ministry of Sports of Ukraine.
Foreign media paid much more attention to Harlan's act than to a simple victory. Despite the threat of disqualification, the Ukrainian woman did not exchange Honor and Dignity for a medal.

The brother of the Russian saber player Anna Smirnova is a soldier of the Russian Federation (photo)

Nikita Smirnov, the brother of the representative of the aggressor country, serves in the "second army of the world". Judging by Anna's photo, she is very proud of her brother.

In social networks, people actively "shaken the hand" of the representative of the fascist country. Smirnova's data leaked into the public space, so yesterday she actively accepts "congratulations", in particular, on Instagram .

The propagandist mass media present the saber woman as a victim, because the poor girl is being harassed. They complain that Smirnova started receiving mass threats: "Ukrainian provocateurs on social networks are threatening the girl, wishing her and her loved ones death. Anna has turned off her phone and is resting."

The brother of the Russian saber player Anna Smirnova is a soldier of the Russian Federation (photo)
The brother of the Russian saber player Anna Smirnova is a soldier of the Russian Federation (photo)

The reaction of social networks: from the postage stamp "a sword in the heart of a double-headed eagle" to the "Order of Freedom"

In order to emotionally support Olga Harlan, Ukrainians left thousands of messages on her Instagram and Facebook page . Here, the comments are more restrained and maximally censored than in the Mykolaiv Telegram channels, where the athlete comes from.

Diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the USA (2015-2019) Valery Chaly believes that Harlan deserves the award: "Her achievements in establishing the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, the consolidation of Ukrainian society are obvious."

"Ukrposhta" also offers to immortalize Harlan's act. The release of a new postage stamp dedicated to the patriotic deed of the fencer was announced. In the picture, which is still only a project of the stamp, Olga directs her weapon directly into the chest of the double-headed eagle, which is the official coat of arms of the aggressor state of the Russian Federation. The new brand may appear already at the beginning of August.

"Ukrposhta" also offers to immortalize Harlan's act.
"Ukrposhta" also offers to immortalize Harlan's act.

Next, we publish a selection of comments by public figures in support of the fencer Harlan.

Olga Harlan
Olga Harlan

FIE is the pocket federation of Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov

This is what Maksym Motin, head of the sports management and marketing course at, said about the financing of the International Fencing Federation.

"The reasons for Olga Harlan's disqualification lie on the surface. The International Fencing Federation is a completely pro-Russian organization. When I worked for Megafon, we were forced to sponsor (consider bribing) this federation. Every year we paid several million dollars, supposedly for sponsorship (but you understand, that there was no effect of this sponsorship for the company). Usmanov sincerely loved fencing, so he bribed everyone there," Motin told the details from the inside.

He also recalled that on November 27, 2021, the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, noted Usmanov's "important role" in the development of fencing. In other words, he recognized the dependence and management of the organization from Moscow.

"I congratulate my friend Alisher Usmanov on his re-election to the post of FIE president," said the head of the IOC. "Alisher Usmanov played an important role in the development of fencing around the world, and I am sure that under his leadership this wonderful Olympic sport will continue to develop."

"The corrupt International Fencing Federation must be overthrown"

As recently as yesterday afternoon, Ukrainians on social media shared everything they thought about FIE, wished it to "burn in hell". Having rallied, they went to the federation's pages in their social network to leave comments. The purpose of such actions is unprecedented media and fan pressure.

"We need to start knocking down the International Fencing Federation. Here are the social networks - go ahead. The media and fan pressure will be unprecedented. Now the entire national team needs to protest. Gutzeit should leave the executive committee of the International Fencing Federation. Do all this with powerful statements", - emphasized the editor-in- chief of Ukraine Oleg Shcherbakov.

Cyberbullying of the International Fencing Federation is available at the following links (preferably in English):

"Gutzeit should be sent after Tkachenko"

In the comments under the posts about Harlan, whose Facebook feed is on fire, Vadim Gutzait, the president of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, is once again reproached. He is also the minister of sports and the Olympic fencing champion himself.

A few months ago, Gutzeit undermined the fighting spirit of Ukrainian athletes. Instead of getting Russians and Belarusians removed from international competitions, he banned Ukrainians from playing in the international arena . And on July 26, he canceled this shameful decision with his own hand.

Many Ukrainian Olympians did not go to the Olympics because, due to Gutzeit's orders, they did not participate in the qualifying competitions for the Olympic Games and the World Championships, which were qualifiers for Paris-2024.

"How many Ukrainian athletes did not go to the world championships in sports during these 7 months of your war with Ukrainian athletes? In the first approximation, at least 250 people from 16 sports lost the opportunity to compete and pass the selection for the Olympics," Yuriy Sapronov called the preliminary figures . Kharkiv businessman and tennis patron.

Sports federations should cancel handshakes between Ukrainians and Russians and Belarusians, tennis player Svitolina

The next fact is the throwing of stones in the garden of the International Fencing Federation. After the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, Ukrainian tennis players refused to shake hands with the representatives of Russia and Belarus on the court. The Women's Tennis Association (WTA) fully supported the refusal of the Ukrainian women.

"In connection with the ongoing shameful war, the WTA respects the position of the Ukrainian athletes and their refusal to traditionally shake hands with their opponents from Russia and Belarus, as this is their personal decision. We have some of the best fans in the world, and we We are grateful to them for their passion and dedication, as well as for their understanding and respect for athletes," the organization said in a statement .

At the same time, the WTA and ATP refused to remove representatives of Russia and Belarus from the tournaments - tennis players continue to play in a neutral status.

However, Russians and Belarusians, acting in a neutral status, pretend that they do not understand why our athletes do not shake hands with them. For example, tennis players of Victoria Azarenka from Belarus repeatedly refused to shake hands. In particular, Elina Svitolina and Marta Kostyuk. As you know, once is a coincidence, two is a trend, three is a regularity. But universal human rules do not work for the occupiers, because "sport is outside of politics" and "we are beyond measure."

Svitolina called FIE's actions disrespectful during a conversation at the Atlantic Council think tank in Washington on Thursday. She emphasized that following the Tennis Federation, other sports federations should respect the decisions of Ukrainian athletes and their refusal to shake hands with Russians and Belarusians.

"Why are the Russians provoking, why don't they respect our position as Ukrainians? We have a strong position, you know, we are united for one goal - for victory. To return our territories that were taken from us, and against all these of terrible things that happen to Ukrainian children, to the Ukrainian people. Our soldiers who defend our country die every day. So we united and ask that you respect this," explained Svitolina.

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