Valery Zaluzhny:Our people are ready to protect their own nation and own children at the expense of their own lives, but we need more weapons and ammunition

© Photo: CinC AF of Ukraine
Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Kostiantyn Golubtsov

Published: June 28 2022 at 03:11 pm
Source: CinCAFU

I had a telephone conversation with General Mark MILLEY, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Admiral Sir Tony RADAKIN, Chief of the British Defence Staff, last night.

I began with the fact that the enemy demonstrates remarkable audacity in launching missile strikes on the territory of our state. So, 4 days ago, the enemy fired 53 cruise missiles from various platforms, 3 days ago - 26 missiles, 2 days ago - almost 40, and 12 in the last 24 hours. Unfortunately, targeted missile fire at the shopping mall in Kremenchuk took lives and resulted in injury to civilians.I informed my American and British colleagues about the operational situation. Today, the area of active hostilities begins in the north of Kharkiv region and ends on the left bank of the Dnipro in the area of Vasylivka settlement. 

The most intense hostilities are conducted in the north of Luhansk and Kharkiv regions. In this area, in the last 24 hours alone, the enemy carried out 270 artillery raids, using 45,000 rounds of ammunition, 2 missile and 32 air strikes. 

The situation is very difficult but controlled.A fierce struggle continues on our soil, the scale of which the world has not seen since the Second World War. We have no right to hand over this war to our children. The enemy must be destroyed here and now, otherwise, it will not stop. And we can do that. 

Our people are ready to protect their own nation and own children at the expense of their own lives, but we need more weapons and ammunition.I hope that, together with our partners, we will be able to overcome the aggressor and prevent the spread of this armed conflict to other countries.

Photo: CinC AF of Ukraine

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